Ideology Inventory
While taking the ideology inventory, I honestly had to go back and read each statement a few times to get the full understanding. I had to picture myself in a youth organization and how I would handle a situation or how I would guide the youth. For purpose, I agreed with letter B which talked about building upon the youths developmental assets already. I think it is important to see what they have to offer and how we can help them grow from there, rather than not even asking about their talents, values, etc. For teaching I agreed with letter B also which talked about youth workers should be allies working with the youth. We shouldn't be teaching at them but with them. Creating a space that is safe for everyone. For learning I agreed with letter B again, where learning best takes place when youths are engaged in experiences. If we can show youth what goes in the world and let them have an input, I think that is super important. This goes back to purpose because if we don't know what these children like, then we might not be doing things that motivate them to learn.
For knowledge, I agreed with letter A which stated that knowledge is most worth when it has personal meaning or personal experiences. I think this is important because I know for me, I like when I can relate to things happening. It makes me feel like I have a say and it makes me feel like my voice is important. That is how I want the youth to feel. For childhood I agreed with letter B that said childhood is a time where youth unfold according to their own natures and the focus is on youth. Lastly, for evaluation I agreed with letter C that said it should measure the extent to which the program engages adults, communities and youth. I think that is super important because we want to make sure these organizations are supplying the best tool box for these kids. If we are only evaluating the children, we might not ever know what they are missing from youth workers. At the end of this quiz I scored 14 points for A, 9 points for B, and 13 points for C. My lowest score was Positive Youth Development and that lines up with my values directly.
The horoscope focusses on their strengths and how we can build on them to better their lives when they are an adult. They have external and internal assets which are family, support systems, school. Their voices, a safe place and youth resources. I just want to be able to create a space where everyone can talk about anything that is on their mind. I want to create a space where youth can grow off of their experiences and be able to create new experiences through the organization.
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