YDEV Boxes

The creation of my box was thought of by my personality and my interests. On the outside of the box, I wrote everything my personality entails. It gave a little insight to what would be inside. Inside the box I made a jar of things that were important to me. I filled it with seashells to represent the beach, eyes to represent my leadership skills, and sparkles to represent my everyday life. I added a doll to represent my love for working with children. I added a ping pong ball with my sorority letters and a clock to represent the future. My favorite part of my box is the outside. While working on it I added some clothespins of my own. It is really special because some of my classmates called out personality traits that I have. It showed me that people notice and care about me. My box can be used with the youth because it tells your story. It allows them to open up and give the class an insight about them. I chose Youth Development because of my passion for working with the youth. I love being able to be a mentor to different age groups. I want to be able to float to different organizations. I feel with teaching you are in a classroom all day every day. I love working in an elementary school but it is very repetitive. There are so many rules that I don't personally agree with. I feel with YDEV you are able to create your own space with the children in it. From working in all different kinds of Youth Spaces I would say the elementary school has been my favorite just because of the bonds I have made with the children and the one on one meetings I do get the have. That is the one time I am creating a space made for them.


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