Caring for students blog #5 oct 6
In this recent article I loved Sarah. I thought her way of teaching was fabulous. She wasn't afraid to educate the students on why her appearance, and haircut were a certain way. To me this is caring. Caring enough to notice that other students are also in the LGBTQ community and letting them feel like they have a safe place with her. She runs a support group and acts as a role model for the youth.
The next teacher Michelle, was also fabulous. She goes out and buys breakfast and snacks for her students. Making sure they have something in their stomachs, recognizing that they are falling asleep because they could be starving or tired. At my elementary school I work at, we have a huge food closet. Staff and students bring in canned goods, pasta, cereal, etc. for some of our families in the school. Every Friday we fill a backpack and send it home to these families. This is caring about our students, and about their families. Making sure everyone is okay. Making sure these students feel safe coming to school. In schools, it is hard to have that strong relationship with these students because of all the rules put into place. I feel like teachers think like Michelle but are forced to do things differently.
Lee cleans her classroom everyday for her students. She says "Wow, everything is nice and bright and clean. I deserve this". I love this quote because this is allowing for a relationship to form. This is allowing trust to form. This is the start of their safe place. This shows she cares about them and wants them to be surrounded by things to help them learn. I have never heard a teacher say this and I have been in the school system for almost 7 years. They clean because it needs to be done. They clean so the children don't get sick from germs. It is never deeper than that or maybe it is and nobody says it.
Eli's teaching method is seeing himself through the eyes of the students. Putting himself in their shoes and getting down to their level to try to understand. That means he is listening to them when they speak and giving them that voice.
For my internship I work with college students. I show I care about my organizations by always making myself available. If they need me at 2 am I am there for them. If they need help, I make sure I put aside time to work with them. I check in every week with each organizations and ask for updates. I show I am interested in them even when sometimes they aren't. It is always a process for growing and becoming your best self. Communication a huge problem with the organizations. I have been trying new ways to communicate with them. Thinking back to Michelle, I work with 200 students. Some of them I know on a deeper level and some of them I don't. I have no idea if they are super busy with school, work, family, etc. I think realizing that and reflecting on it is important.
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